Sunday, December 22, 2019

Native American Art And European Art - 2008 Words

Native American culture was a great influence on newly introduced western art when settlers first came to North America. Not only did Native Americans have their own style of art, sculpture, basket weaving, and other fine arts. Their artistic styles helped influence some European art and gave them a different outlook on not only art itself, but a brand new culture that they have not seen before. This paper will talk about the different styles of Native American art and compare it to European art styles and artist, as well as going into detail about how their culture influenced artistic styles. There are many different types of Native American tribes located in the United States, and there were even more when Europeans/settlers first arrived on the shores of the East coast. In the Subarctic and Arctic area (Alaska, Canada, and south of Canada) the only known surviving art is the Petrgoglyph site in Ontario. A lot of these art were painted hides from caribou and moose which were used to make bright colored clothing, tipi’s, and beaded boxes. When Europeans finally met these Native Americans, moose-hair tufting and floral glass beadwork became popular in that area greatly as they were influenced by the Grey Nuns which was a Canadian religious institute from the Roman Catholic Religious sisters founded in 1783. The Yup’ik of Alaska had a long tradition and remarkable style of carving masks for their rituals. These mask were classified as art due to their designs andShow MoreRelatedSeminar On Art Theory Themes Throughout Contemporary Art1221 Words   |  5 Pagesin Art Theory—Themes in Contemporary Art Dr. Laura Myers Native Artists, Identity Defined and Redefined. Luiseno Native artist James Luna’s performance of, The Artifact Piece (1987) confronts anthropological museums in their post-colonial precepts of the Indian â€Å"other†. 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